Books and monographs:
Swinbank, A. (2016), The Interactions Between the EU’s External Action and the Common Agricultural Policy, PE 585.879 (Brussels: European Parliament).
Beard, N.F., R.A. Frazier, D.J. Jukes, O.B. Kennedy, A. Swinbank & R.B. Tranter (2014), Feeding the British public: a centenary review of food and drink manufacturing, CAS Report 20 (Reading: Centre for Agricultural Strategy, University of Reading).
Swinbank, A (2012), New Direct Payments Scheme: Targeting and Redistribution in the Future CAP, PE 474.528 (Brussels: European Parliament).
Japanese translation (Translator: Kunio Nishikawa) published by the Agricultural Policy Research Committee in 2014 as publication 1011-1012.
Cunha, A. with Swinbank, A. (2011), An Inside View of the CAP Reform Process: Explaining the MacSharry, Agenda 2000, and Fischler Reforms (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Japanese translation (Translators: Akihiko Hirasawa, Tomoko Ichida, & Mari Izumi) published by Agriculture and Forestry Statistics Publishing Inc. in 2014.
Daugbjerg, C. & Swinbank, A. (2009), Ideas, Institutions, and Trade: The WTO and the Curious Role of EU Farm Policy in Trade Liberalization (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Swinbank, A. (2009), EU Support for Biofuels and Bioenergy, Environmental Sustainability Criteria, and Trade Policy, Promoting Sustainable Bioenergy Production and Trade Series Issue Paper 17 (Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development).
Journal articles, book chapters, and other outlets:
Swinbank, A. (2024), Reconciling Britain’s agricultural trade policy initiatives with world trade rules: 1960–1975, Contemporary British History, Early View
Swinbank, A. (2024), A little ‘Neddy’ for agriculture? ‘Sit on the hornet’s nest but don’t stir it up’, Agricultural History Review, 72(2): 278-302.
Swinbank, A. (2023), The Heath Government’s ‘Fundamental Change’ to Agricultural Policy: An Interim Import Levy Scheme (and Restitutions?) for Cereals, Agricultural History Review, 71(2): 160-181.
Swinbank, A. (2023), British Perspectives on the GATT Article XXIV Negotiations Following the First EC Enlargement: Probably More Important and More Difficult than the Consideration of the Treaty of Rome Itself, The International History Review, 45(5): 824-841.
Swinbank, A. (2022), The WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture: Where Next?, Trade, Law and Development, 14(1): 54-104.
Swinbank, A. (2022), The UK’s Agri-food Trade Policies One Year on from Brexit, EuroChoices, 21(2): 11-18.
Swinbank, A. (2021), Some Lessons that Might be Learnt from Brexit Britain’s Trade Negotiations with the European Union, Journal of World Trade, 55(4): 525-44.
Swinbank, A. (2021), Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy, in David Blandford & Stefan Tangermann (editors), Current Issues in Global Agricultural and Trade Policy: Essays in Honour of Timothy E. Josling (London: World Scientific): 63-86.
Swinbank, A. (2020), Something significant to show for our efforts? British perspectives on the Stocktaking of the Common Agricultural Policy, Agricultural History Review, 68(1): 63-85.
Swinbank, A. (2019), Agriculture and Brexit Britain’s ‘No-deal’ Tariff Plans, EuroChoices, 18(3): 4-9.
Swinbank, A. (2018), Agri-food trade and Brexit, in Annmarie Elijah and Tom Baker (editors), Understanding EU Trade: A Guide for Stakeholders (Canberra: The Australian National University Centre for European Studies): 20-2.
Swinbank, A. (2018), Australia and the Common Agricultural Policy’ in Bruno Mascitelli & Bruce Wilson (editors), ‘So Distant, So Close’: Australia and the European Union in the 21st Century (Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing): 35-57.
Swinbank, A. & Tranter, R. (2018), Delinked Payments, Written Evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Swinbank, A. (2018), Food, Farm and Rural Policies after Brexit? Some Knowns, and Known Unknowns, EuroChoices, 17(2): 4-11.
Swinbank, A. (2018),‘Tariffs, trade, and incomplete CAP reform’, Studies in Agricultural Economics, 120(2): 61-8.
Swinbank, A. (2018), Brexit, Ireland and the World Trade Organization: possible policy options for a future UK–Australia agri-food trade agreement, Australian Journal of International Affairs 72(4): 371–383.
Swinbank, A. (2017), Brexit, Trade Agreements and CAP Reform, EuroChoices, 16(2): 4-9.
Swinbank, A. & Daugbjerg, C. (2017), The Changed Architecture of the EU’s Agricultural Policy Over Four Decades: Trade Policy Implications for Australia, in Annmarie Elijah, Donald Kenyon, Karen Hussey & Pierre van der Eng (eds.) Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda (Canberra: ANU Press): 77-95.
Swinbank, A. (2017), Possible Options and Constraints Impacting the United Kingdom’s Farm Trade Policy Following its Exit from the European Union (‘Brexit’), Submission to the Trade Sub-Committee of the Australian Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade for its enquiry into ‘Australia’s trade and investment relationship with the United Kingdom’
Swinbank, A. (2017), World Trade Rules and the Policy Options for British Agriculture post-Brexit, UK Trade Policy Observatory Briefing Paper 7 (Falmer: University of Sussex).
Swinbank, A. (2016), Brexit or Bremain? Future Options for UK Agricultural Policy and the CAP, EuroChoices, 15(2): 5-9.
Swinbank, A. (2016), Brexit: The Current Status of EU–UK Agri-food Trade, EuroChoices, 15(2): 24-5.
Daugbjerg, C. and A. Swinbank (2016), Three Decades of Policy Layering and Politically Sustainable Reform in the European Union’s Agricultural Policy, Governance, 29(2): 265-80.
Yorkshire Agricultural Society (2016), The implications of ‘BREXIT’ for UK agriculture, A report for the Yorkshire Agricultural Society (Harrogate: YAS).
Swinbank, A. (2015), The WTO: No Longer Relevant for CAP Reform? (Chapter 8) AND CAP Reform, 2005-14, and the Muted Role of the Dis-United Kingdom (Chapter 12) in Johan Swinnen (ed.) The Political Economy of the 2014-2020 Common Agricultural Policy: An Imperfect Storm (London: Rowman & Littlefield International).
Daugbjerg, C. & Swinbank, A. (2015), Globalization and new policy concerns: the WTO and the EU’s sustainability criteria for biofuel, Journal of European Public Policy, 22(3): 429-46.
Swinbank, A. (2014), If the British left: Agricultural policy outside the CAP?, EuroChoices, 13(2): 36-9.
Swinbank, A. (2014), Some Reflections on: Subsidiarity and EU competence for agriculture, in Review of the Balance of Competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Agriculture. Evidence Submitted (London: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs): 463-473.
Josling, T.E. & Swinbank, A. (2013), EU Agricultural Policies and European Integration: A Thematic Review of the Literature, in Amy Verdun & Alfred Tovias (eds.) Mapping European Economic Integration (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan): 18-37.
Swinbank, A. & Daugbjerg, C. (2013), EU biofuels and how to make a bad policy slightly less bad, Agra Europe, No. 2578, 13 August 2013: 7.
Swinbank, A. & Daugbjerg, C. (2013), Improving EU Biofuels Policy? Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Policy Efficiency, and WTO Compatibility, Journal of World Trade, 47(4): 813–34.
Swinbank, A. (2013), How will a UK exit from the EU impact food and farming?, Agra Europe, No. 2551, 5 February 2013: 9-10.
Daugbjerg, C. & Swinbank, A. (2012), An introduction to the ‘new’ politics of agriculture and food, Policy and Society, 31(4): 259-70.
Swinbank, A. (2012), Another reform? Proposals for the post-2013 Common Agricultural Policy, World Agriculture: problems and potential, 3(1): 32-7,
Silvia, M., Swinbank, A. and Yano, Y. (2011), Biofuel Policies in the EU, US and Brazil, EuroChoices, 10(3): 11-16.
Swinbank, A. (2011), Fruit and vegetables, and the role they have played in determining the EU’s Aggregate Measurement of Support, The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 12(2): 54-73.
Daugbjerg, C. & Swinbank, A. (2011), The Budget and the WTO: Driving Forces behind the ‘Health Check’?, in Alessandro Sorrentino, Roberto Henke and Simone Severini (eds.) The Common Agricultural Policy after the Fischler Reform: National Implementations, Impact Assessment and the Agenda for Future Reforms (Farnham: Ashgate): 67-77.
Swinbank, A. (2011), The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), in Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (eds.) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Online Edition (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan).
Swinbank, A. (2011), Some Misconceptions about Requirements for the Post-2013 CAP, ‘Supplementary written evidence’, and minutes of evidence of 19 January, in House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, The Common Agricultural Policy after 2013. Volume II, Fifth Report of Session 2010-11, HC 671-II (London: The Stationery Office): 152-9 & 53-9.
Josling, T. & Swinbank, A. (2011), European Union, in David Orden, David Blandford and Tim Josling (eds.) WTO Disciplines on Agricultural Support: Seeking a Fairer Basis for Trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 61-96.
Tranter, R.B., Swinbank, A., Jones, P.J., Banks, C.J. & A.M. Salter (2011), Assessing the potential for the uptake of on-farm anaerobic digestion for energy production in England, Energy Policy, 39(5): 2424-2430.
Daugbjerg, C. & Swinbank, A. (2011), Explaining the ‘Health Check’ of the Common Agricultural Policy: budgetary politics, globalisation and paradigm change revisited, Policy Studies, 32(2): 127-141.
Swinbank, A.. Tranter, R. & Jones, P. (2011), Mandates, buyouts and fuel-tax rebates: Some economic aspects of biofuel policies using the UK as an example, Energy Policy, 39(3): 1249-1253.
Swinbank, A. & Tranter, R. (2010), The bond scheme, in A. Oskam, G. Meester & H. Silvis (eds.), EU policy for agriculture, food and rural areas (Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers): 207-212.